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Maybe you have felt the shift inside, lately. I know I have. There are days of low energy where I feel like I've been put in a light trance-like state and some serious downloading of information comes streaming in. Nothing I could verbalize, just a knowing. The world looks a bit odd at times, like I am in another dimension, yet, not really....I feel like I have been attending mind blowing lectures in dream time, yet I can't remember a thing I heard and yet, I know I'm different because of it. I don't even know how to put it all into words but I observe it all around me. Some of you feel it too. It may feel like you are on overload and that your nerve endings are frayed, followed by feelings of peace, contentment and a rightness to your life, even, dare I say, floating in a state of Grace. It's crazy mixed up at times and life goes on as before. But, it's the little blue lights that dart around that most amaze me. I've had many times in the past when they were frequent visitors. I know it's not just me because others have reported the same thing. They are hesitant to mention it because it's so fast that you wonder if you just imagined it...but there they are again. When people around me get brave enough to bring it up and ask if I see them too, we are all relieved to realize it not "just me," but others are seeing them too. When they come near, I also get "thoughts" that come to me like: "dolphins are to ETs as dogs are to humans...." And I say: "Okay, where did that come from?" It's not like I was asking about dolphins, but, it is an intriguing thought. I say all this because maybe many of you out there are beginning to connect with something akin to teachers in the ethers giving you information or encouragement at the moment. Maybe you are feeling a bit out of sorts and weird and this may bother you. I believe we are entering into a time when we will be and are already growing new abilities that will be serving the greater good. One day we will be much more telepathic than we have ever been and it will be preparing us for relating to one another and to Gaia (Mother Earth) in multi-dimensional ways. It is all in line with realizing our oneness with her. You may already be finding yourself wanting to lay on the earth, or be close in some way or other to nature. It may feel like a deep longing. Go with it, answer the call, drop everything you are doing and answer that call. The teachers coming near are real and they are here to teach us all how very fond our Mother Gaia is of us. They will not let up, so we might as well accept this. What ever way the teachers come near, be it a book of wisdom, a movie or dinner conversation, or seeing the new way we handle an old "problem" with ease, this is now our time to shine, to experience our emerging magnificence. Even though the world around us appears to be "going to hell in a hand basket," things are definitely not what they seem. Thank God/Goddess for that!