Recently I had a conversation with someone about reality and specifically war. (I never spend much time chit-chatting) This person’s assessment of the situation was that there would always be war because “Mankind” is basically flawed and sinful. Wow! What a starting point to walk out into your day with. See, I have always taken a different view and that is: The Creator loved the whole of creation into existence and sees everything at all times as basically good and love able, as awesome, in fact. If you start there, the possibilities only get better and better.
As this is the season of giving thanks and looking to celebrate Goodness incarnate and to do this by feasting and gift-giving, I further pondered what I am grateful for and want to celebrate. There are the usual things like food, shelter, a job, friends and family, my education and talents, my incredible community, but the one thing I really want to focus on this year is all the ways that we humans rise to the occasion believing in the “more” that we are and can be. Even when it is not so obvious, we believe we can be more. Over and over again I have witnessed as I travel through life and even through cyber-space the many ways our species excels just because we can and believe we can. As I visit your blog sites and read your offerings I am struck by how often you choose the higher road in your daily lives. Even though it is a bad day for you or there are challenges you’d rather not have, you don’t choose to curl up in a fetal position and face the wall, you just go forward and look to the light and the good and you discover how very awesome you are through it all. I’m with you. I, too, would rather go forward, focusing on the highest good and when someone gives me the one finger salute in traffic because I am not moving fast enough for him, I just draw a heart around him as he passes by. I am grateful I, and others of our human family choose most often to see as the Creator sees, believing in the goodness that is our starting point. I could focus on what is not working because it is all around me, but once again it comes down to my focus. I choose to focus on Awesome within and all around. Are you with me on this today?
I believe that all life is connected - truly connected. That each individual is connnected to the other, to the world, to the universe. Our actions and thoughts are all connected and so we have a responsibility, if you will, to be good to each other - to live wise and loving lives.
absolutely! i can't understand how you find inner peace starting from the 'basically sinful' position... love is always the beginning and the end...
thankful blessings, xx
Oh ... what an awesome butterfly photo! When I perceive myself in transition, I always see butterflies and my favorite coffee mug was a gift from a friend and says, "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." :)
I'm with you on this one Kathryn. Because I believe that what we think about expands in our lives, I choose to look for the positive in all situations ... and remind myself (and others) that doing so is always an option. I've tried to make this idea and on-going focus of my offerings at Sacred Ruminations since I started the Blog in late October.
Thanks again for another thoughtful post. I love the image of you "drawing a heart around others" and may give that a try myself.
Hugs and blessings,
I absolutely believe that our true nature is our God nature, which shines forth when we can get ego out of the way. I also believe that although it may have to get worse before it can get better, mankind is going to wake up and stop destroying this planet and our own race. The waking up has already begun.
I love reading your viewpoint on things. One way this resonates with me is I am learning to see the good in myself. This is such an important lesson for me-to not give into the tape in my head that automatically says 'less than'.
what a wonderful thoughtful post.
With you completely on this Kathryn. Feeling optimistic and positive is like smiling. It is easier to smile than to frown. God said "Love" and that's all we need to know and do.
absolutely! i love your wonderful and positive perspective on this and it brought tears to my eyes to think of all the amazing people i know who suffer immensely and yet choose to not merely exist but to live their lives as best they can each day. some days are easier than others, but still we move forward in the light.
this is something that I too believe in, but you've found a way to express it far better than I ever could.
thank you...and you bet I'm with you!
I am completely with you on this! No matter what things I have faced personally, I have never been one to curl up in a ball and/or whine about it. I learned a long time ago to TRUST, keep moving, and to be grateful - every step of the way. God gives me many learning opportunities along the way ... and does want me to strive for better-ness. One thing I ask in my morning prayers: Please help me to be the best woman I can be today."
I am with you... I try to focus on the good in myself and my life.. sometimes I fail.. and I do snuggle for a little while.. but then I brush myself off and get up again...
I will remember your tip about putting those people in traffic into a heart...
Yes, yes, yes, I am with you on this today and every day.
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