We've had some clear cold days and nights here on the Central Oregon Coast. One of my favorite things to do is star gaze. There are times when the Milky Way is particularly clear, vast and breathtaking to behold. There are many places in the world where the human populated areas make the night lights so bright you can't see many stars. But, here on the coast on clear nights, you can see forever! I love it when a shooting star happens. For many years I have been a student of the ancient peoples and their art and ruins. I devour any books I find with pictures and information on the great gathering places our ancient ancestors constructed that seem to be heavily design for star gazing and marking the movement of the heavens in relation to earth. To our surprise, we have discovered their knowledge of the heavens and cosmos was far advanced of what we think they should have been able to know. It occurred to me the other night while looking up into the heaven that making eye contact with these patterns of lights in the sky could be very important to the evolutionary journey we humans are experiencing. I have spoken in past posts of stars in our bones. The very matter, the elements, that makes up the cosmos, also being in our physical bones and flesh is now being confirmed by scientists. But what if there are codes embedded in our DNA that are being switched on due to starlight exposure and the movement of the cosmic dance of the stars? What if there is a "little timer" set within our very DNA (especially within the so called "junk" DNA) that is affected by our awakening, our consciousness, our self-reflectiveness, our wondering and new awareness, our "a-ha" moments? What if the increasing vibrational frequencies we are able to achieve when we focus on positive thoughts and feelings more often than fear and doubt, anger and hatred; what if when we choose compassion over judgement, love over indifference; what if all our choices to dance and laugh and sing rather that choose our old, past "poor little wounded me" dark places, what if this is switching on an irreversible transfiguration in our species, one person at a time? What if?... I don't know about you, but maybe I'll be devoting more of my time to star-gazing, just in case it means something like that.
It means that.
I found your blog while searching around one night and have felt very blessed by it. Many things in your post for me to ponder. Unfortunately our night sky is not so clear as yours, but we often vacation around Yachats and I always look forward to sitting on the beach at night and star gazing. There's a strong sense of connection to our ancestors who gazed at the same stars. I might have to step out tonight and look up.
moon gazing does it for me... but I also love to look at the stars... here in Woodford, I am blessed to have an open sky to look at and sometimes, I lose myself in the depth of it...
I am trying so hard to dance, laugh and sing instead of thinking poor me... and I am succeeding most times...and those times I don't succeed, well at least I am being gentle with myself... AND I am remembering to draw hearts around situations!
Sister Kathryn, once again I love your words xoxo
it's funny-I had a guided meditation session with a life coach where I met my future self and she gave me a name and it has to do with stars. :-)
Oh yes, oh yes. It does.
love those stars!!!
Thank you for these wonderful thoughts, Sister.
I just want to say, yes yes yes.
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