At first I was fighting a cold, now I am actively entertaining It! So, I am taking an extra day of rest. A wonderful self-care for such times is the lemon. Not only will I be drinking lots of fluids but many lemon juice "toddies:" To 8 oz. of boiling water, the juice of one lemon, a generous pinch of cayenne pepper and honey to sweeten. Another remedy for my dry chapped hands, due to clay work is what I call "Sarah's Lemon juice hand bath and annointing beauty treatment." To one generous tablespoon of sugar in the palm of your hand, you add the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon. Vigoursly rub your hands with this preparation both back and front until the mixture becomes creamy and sticky all at the same time. It also feels a bit oily. The smell is heavenly and you find you want to start licking your hands! Rinse in warm water and apply a really awesome hand lotion of your choice. The way your hands feel afterwards is like baby skin! Highly recommended for feet too. I have several books I'll be delving into and a cozy woodstove fire to snuggle near. Toby, my greyhound, has taken it upon himself to see that I have an ample supply of dog bisquits. He has access to a box nearby and thinks this is the best way to heal from any malady. I will also be open to any and all of your prayer support and healing energies aimed in my direction. Blessings!
I am most certainly sending warm, healing energy your way, Sister K.
oh dear Sr.K !! I will send blessings and healing and may the faeries sprinkle their healing glitter all around you...
see you in my dreams xoxo
Oh and try some thyme tea with lemon and honey! gargle with sage tea and wrap a warm blue scarf around your neck... get well soon...xoxo
Holding you in my thoughts. I will have to try the sugar and lemon juice. I started doing dishes by hand because ...well, because it feels good... anyway, I have the driest, chapped hands now. Your remedy sounds good.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciated your comments and pondered them. I fear more of us would exclude Jesus than include him if he were here today. Sad, but reading your posts uplift me and make me hopeful.
It sounds as though you have heeded your body's advice and are resting, but I will send a prayer ( or two) along for mending and the return of health!
Take GOOD care!
here you go Sr.K : Herbal teas such as – YEP tea (Yarrow, Elder & Peppermint), ginger tea. Hot water with slices of lemon and ½ tea spoon of manuka honey 3-4 times per day.. I found it on the net... xoox
blessings to you sr. k. hope you feel better soon...although your description of toddies and such almost sounds like a good excuse for a little t.l.c.
Get well soon...with lots of healing prayers and good wishes coming your way for a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the lemon trick too - plenty left over from Shrove Tuesday today, so I will give it a try!
P.S. What a thoughtful dog!! :-)
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