The few times I get sick, of late, have been very insightful times for me. During the course of most days, I try to be aware of many different levels of life and not just the solid, day to day part. There are times, though, that there is so much going on in the many other dimensions we exist in that wants my attention and taking a sick day is the way The Holy Spirit, my word for guidance at the highest level, wants me to pay attention, mark and inwardly digest so I can translate it through my work. I really don't feel all that miserable. I just couldn't talk because of all the clearing of my throat stuff. I sense it is about finding new ways to say or express or even that what I say and express may be about more than I know. Anyway, one of the things that happens and alerts me to the fact that this is not a physical event but about something beyond is that all my senses pick up an intensity. The one that is most affected is my sight. I swear, everything is glowing and moving in slow motion, and it is facinating to notice. It's as if someone has highly cleaned and polished everything. It sparkles! That's when I know that we all are experiencing a major "upgrade to our programs." I don't know how else to explain this but to use those terms. When I listen to people talking about their experiences of life at the moment and look around at what is happening in our world, there seems to be such a stirring up of the pot, so to speak. Some of the most horrendous things are going on in the world now, besides all the strange or dramatic weather patterns,the war and genocide, ordinary people are "going off the deep end."The financial picture seems to be tanking and people are getting nervous or just plain scared. Dispite this, there are also some of the most awesome miracles going on at the same time. There is actually a huge sense of hope stirring somewhere, somehow, do you feel it? As I was driving to work today the words kept playing in my head like a t- shirt logo: Spiral up! Followed by "Reach into the Spiral!"
What does it mean? It is about the same thing that has been coming through in my other blog entries; it seems to mean modulation of frequencies. (come to think of it, that spiral design has been showing up in my clay work a lot.) Though there is plenty that would make us fearful and hopeless, that wants to polarize us, that wants to drag us DOWN, we are invited in whatever way we can to spiral up to the Higher Frequencies. Angel Music is what my friend on the other side calls it. In fact, she once called snow a form of Angel Music. There has been a lot of snow falling out here in the Pacific Northwest of late. I think it is all those billions of little icy stars; perfect geometric patterns of light everywhere! I believe, somehow that the language of The Divine is Music, another form of Sacred Geometry. We can either wail or we can sing.This Language of the Divine is the kind of singing you don't need to have a working voice to do because it is HeartSong Music. Thank you for joining the song. I felt all of your kind and healing energy, each and everyone of you. Didn't you just love the little healing recipies coming through? Thanks to all you awesome healers out there. (Miss R, I knew I could count on you.) Let's Spiral up the Song of the Heart and heal our world from the core of Mother Earth clear out the the Center of the Galaxy! I invite you to reach into the spiral together, because together we can!
I love the image of each of us joining in a song that will 'spiral up' and gently snow love and grace and hope and healing over our world.
My heart feels peace just in the very thought.
I choose to sing rather than wail. I've wailed too much in my life as it is. I refuse to be dragged down by the wailing, and I figure if I can keep on singing, I can pull up a few along with me. But then...I was always stubborn. Being stubborn was a bad thing when I was growing up and I got punished for it. Then one day, a wise soul said to me: It's your stubbornness that will save you. (Of course, I mean being stubborn in the right ways!!)
"we all are experiencing a major "upgrade to our programs." ~ I think of it as our vibrational levels are changing. I read alot about this.. and something is definately happening to humanity on a deep level.. I have visions of the angels & spirits rushing around getting us all ready :)
"there seems to be such a stirring up of the pot" ~ sometimes, I feel that my pot is being stirred vigorously and I am always left spinning... and that is when my questioning and searching is at its peak - hence sometimes my posts are frantic! And I do feel as if I am going off the deep end.
You know.. the spriral: I have a 'vision' of a spiral going round and round and we 'dip our finger into it' and are taken along with the spiral, spinning...letting go of control & just going with the flow, but so relaxing... maybe I must try this letting go and going with the flow of the spiral...
oh & I have noticed many spirals on blogs too!
And I tend to fluctuate between wailing and heart songs...
thankyou Sr. Kathryn... your post has once again made me think xoxo
I hope you feel better soon.
Yes, I feel it and it's just as the prophets predicted, modern and ancient. On the one hand the world will be going to h3ll in a handbasket and at the same time, a growing number will be undergoing a raising of frequency = higher consciousness.
As for music, I've found a new community radio station and for the last few mornings have been blessed by spiritual Hindu music. I don't understand the words, but it moves me. (As in moves me to a different place.)
I hope you're feeling better.
I came over from Robyn's goddess blog. Enjoyed your post.
The spiral is a symbol that has been speaking to me for awhile now. Your words "spiral up" make a nice mantra. To me the spiral is a symbol of the energy of the path we are on towards infinity. (Does that make sense?)
You make each day, each moment a spiritual quest and joy. Thank you so much for your words and your thoughts. Incorporating the spirit into our lives is almost a 'survival' instinct during this time and you are always able to take us by the hand and lead the way.
I linked here from Robyn's place. I feel the hope. It's like being on the verge of something, on the very edge, and you expect something to happen. You wait, and wait..
Interesting post. Nice to meet you.
I have been getting the spiral message too, for the last year or so - it keeps cropping up over and over again, as an emblem of life and renewal. Have a look at my blog entry for Valentine's day, when my husband gave me a lovely spiral pendant.
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